
What are the Common Materials Used in Roof Flashing?

December 13, 2019

One of the most important parts of the roof system is roof flashing. Roof flashings are thin layers of waterproof sheets that cover the joints or angles connecting the roof to other parts of the house. They overlap with each other so that water entrapment and leakages are prevented.

Roof flashings possess numerous benefits, one which is that it helps your home prevent roof leaks.  They keep your home dry since they are made to prevent any leaking and entrapment of water on the roof. Roof flashings also make your roof system durable, thus, protecting your house from moisture, debris, dirt, insects and other elements that pose a threat to the structural integrity of your home.

With the abundance of their benefits comes the abundance of their build material options. Roof flashings can be created through the following materials:

Galvanised Steel

Roof flashings made of galvanised steel can cost cheap compared to other materials. They are recommended to be used with metal roofs and are commonly used around chimneys and in valleys. Roof flashings with this material can be painted to meld with other parts and roofing of your home. One disadvantage of this material, however, is that it is not very durable. Moreover, galvanised steel cannot withstand harsh weather conditions in the long run.


Contrary to galvanised steel, roof flashings made of copper are the most durable among all materials. Rather than developing rust, copper is known to form a green patina that is somehow beautiful to look at. Roof flashings made out of copper are compatible with most wood preservatives and that they don’t need any paint or other kinds of treatment. These qualities make copper the most popular and most preferred material for roof flashing applications.


One of the oldest materials that are used for flashing is lead. Just like copper, lead roof flashings are also durable and are believed to last for more than two centuries. Aside from roof flashings, this material is also used as chimney flashing due to its durability. One downside of using lead is the health risks that are associated with it. Lead is a very toxic metal that can pollute the water accumulated from your roof down to the pipelines.


Aluminium joins the list of materials that are durable for roof flashing. Additionally, this material is easy to form and can cost cheap. The malleability of the aluminium allows it to reach maximum fabrication, making the material usable in chimneys, valley, or base flashings. Bare aluminium cannot do the trick of resisting corrosion, so a finish or coating must be applied for it to last a long time especially when it is applied with wood, concrete, or cement.

Knowing the properties of the material for your roof flashing is important so you’ll know which one to choose. If you want to know more about roof flashing, then contact us now at Jonda. We specialise in custom flashing and rainwater goods. We also have a wide range of original products that can help protect your roofing system and home in general.

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